Online Word Counter and letter counter

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Total Word:
Total letters:
Online writing tools for creating articles. This is a online Word counter which counts the number of words and letters in a text, useful for your article writing, meta tags as well as a multitude of other applications. To start counting your words, simply write or paste the text into the text area and Count words. It does not count HTML tags.
This tool will help you to check the number of words in a paragraph. This tool is useful for SEO, Online article writing, blog writing, letter writing, etc. This tool will help you to check the number of words in a paragraph. This tool is useful for SEO, Online article writing, blog writing, letter writing, etc.
An online letter word counter is a convenient tool that allows users to quickly and accurately count the number of letters and words in a given text or document. These tools are widely used for various purposes, including writing essays, reports, or articles that have specific length requirements. By simply pasting or typing the text into the provided input field, the counter instantly calculates and displays the total number of letters and words.

The online letter word counter typically eliminates the need for manual counting, saving users time and effort. It provides an efficient way to keep track of the length of a piece of writing, ensuring it meets specific guidelines or constraints. Whether it's for academic, professional, or personal use, having an accurate letter word count can be crucial in meeting word limits, formatting requirements, or simply understanding the composition of a text.

Moreover, online letter word counters often offer additional features to enhance the counting process. These can include the ability to exclude or include specific characters or spaces, track character frequencies, or provide average word length statistics. Such features allow users to gain deeper insights into their writing and make adjustments accordingly, ensuring their content meets the desired criteria.